Dear Parents
It has become very busy in our school, as well as in many other schools, due to ongoing issues with sick children.
Each day, more and more children are going home because of coughs, and other flu-like symptoms.
Many parents have been in touch to let us know they are keeping a child at home because they have a cough or some other symptoms.
Since the start of the school year, one child who was in school was sent home unwell and tested positive afterwards. The small number of children who were identified as close contacts were tested and came back negative. I need to thank those parents for their help and understanding.
Our message over the next few weeks has to be a simple one:
• If your child is unwell, keep them at home.
• If your child is at home, our teachers will be in touch and work can be provided via Microsoft Teams and in any other way we can help.
• Parents must make sure the school has a mobile number for you.
It is vey frustrating when we can’t get in touch with you because your child has to be isolated from the other children and he / she has to be supervised by one of our teachers until your child is collected. Please make sure your phone is answered.
The next few weeks may be very difficult for parents and for the school, however, if we work together then we will get through this. Together, we did a great job so far – let’s keep it going.
Many thanks for your help and cooperation.
Denis Coleman